Pesona Danau Biru Bintan yang Mempesona Pesona Danau Biru Bintan yang Mempesona merupakan salah satu destinasi yang mulai populer di kalangan wisatawan adalah Danau Biru. Danau ini terletak di daerah Bintan, …
5 Destinasi Wisata Bintan
5 Destinasi Wisata Bintan yang wajib dikungjungi para wisatawan : Gurun Pasir Busung Ingin merasakan sensasi berwisata di Timur Tengah? Atau mau berada dibawah terik matahari ditengah hamparan gurun pasir …
Patung Penyu
Patung Penyu Patung Penyu is a large sea turtle statue, a significant landmark on Bintan Island. Local legend said that giant sea turtle once helped the community instead and the …
Treasure Bay Bintan
Treasure Bay Bintan Treasure Bay Bintan Crystal Lagoon is South East Asia first man-made seawater lagoon at 6.3 hectares. The main attraction at Treasure Bay is Chill Cove, a massive …
Gedung Gonggong
Gedung Gonggong Gedung Gonggong design is based on the gonggong, a local sea snail which is a most popular culinary seafood specialy in the Riau Archipelago. The shell’s distinctive shape …
500 Lohan Temple
Lohan Temple 500 Lohan Temple is located in Kijang (South of Bintan Island), the premise is just a short drive away from the main bustling scene of Tanjung Pinang, it …
Sand and Dune Desert
Sand and Dune Desert Bintan Island, known for its beautiful beaches and luxurious resorts, also hides a surprising secret. Sand dunes and a lake that resemble a miniature desert! This …
Safari Lagoi Eco Farm
Safari Lagoi Eco Farm Bintan Safari Lagoi Eco Farm is a refuge center for endangered Indonesian wildlife. Here you will get a chance to see these amazing creatures up close. …